Transformation of a local historical existent building into a Hostel and Community Center for the citizens and the tourists of the Alcoi City. The goal of the proposal was to have spatial continuity and visibility. We wanted to eliminate the narrow corridors without light and no comunication between the north and the south side of the building.
The aim is that the users feels like the building sorround them but in a cosy and smooth way. We reached this purpose dividing the space in 3 areas: acommodation, community center and a common central space that is used as a connecting axis beetwen the other two constituent parts. A wide and lightness space, that comunicate north with south - up & down, with powerfull visual branding comunication offered by the materials applied over the horizontal and vertical surfaces. Yellow, sands, clays, greens... warm materials that transport us to the Alcoy country landscape combined with strong materials as steel and composite marbre that belongs to a city sorrounding.
cervantes 3.0 institutions